Declarative UIKit for iOS apps
public extension DHDeclarable
@discardableResult func declaredWith(_ then: (_ instance: inout Self) -> Void) -> Self
Provides a then to configure instances inline.
as the argument.then
.Name | Description |
then | A then self as the argument. |
@discardableResult func declaredIf(_ copy: inout T, _ value: Bool, _ then: (_ instance: inout T) -> Void) -> T
Provides a then to configure instance inline based on a boolean test
as the argument if the boolean test is truethen
Name | Description |
then | A then self as the argument if the boolean test is true |
@discardableResult func declaredIf(_ copy: inout T, _ value: Bool, _ then: (_ instance: inout T) -> Void, otherwise: ((_ instance: inout T) -> Void)?) -> T
Provides a then to configure instance inline based on a boolean test
as the argument if the boolean test is trueself
as the argument if the boolean test is falsethen
or otherwise
Name | Description |
then | A then self as the argument if the boolean test is true |
otherwise | A then self as the argument if the boolean test is false |