Declarative UIKit for iOS apps
public extension UIStackView
var layoutMarginRelative: Self
Set this Stack View’s isLayoutMarginsRelativeArrangement
to true
var hierarchy: String
Recursively describe this stack and it’s subviews
@discardableResult func horizontal(spacing: CGFloat = 0) -> Self
Set the axis of this stack view to horizontal
and set the spacing
Name | Description |
spacing | number to describe the spacing between arranged subviews |
@discardableResult func vertical(spacing: CGFloat = 0) -> Self
Set the axis of this stack view to vertical
and set the spacing
Name | Description |
spacing | number to describe the spacing between arranged subviews |
@discardableResult func spacing(_ amount: CGFloat) -> Self
Set the spacing property of this stack view
Name | Description |
amount | the number to describe the spacing between arranged subviews |
@discardableResult func distribution(_ style: Distribution) -> Self
Set the distribution of this stack view
Name | Description |
style | the distribution style |
@discardableResult func add(arrangedSubviews: [UIView?]) -> Self
Add an array of optional views to this stack view as arranged subviews, skipping nil views
Name | Description |
arrangedSubviews | the views to add as arranged subviews |
@discardableResult func add(if condition: Bool, arrangedSubviews: [UIView?]) -> Self
if a specific condition is true, then add the specified arranged subviews
Name | Description |
condition | the boolean condition to evaluate |
arrangedSubviews | the views to add if the condition is true |
func arrangedSubviews(includingStackViews: Bool) -> [UIView]
Recursive method that returns the arranged subviews
Name | Description |
includingSelf | should this view be a part of the returned array |
func identifiers(includingStackViews: Bool) -> [String]
Recursively search this stack for accessibility identifiers
func find<T>(_ type: T) -> [T]
Recursively search arranged subviews and any stack views arranged subviews for the given type and
Name | Description |
type | the given type |
func hierarchy(description: String, level: Int = 0, stackIndex: Int = 0) -> String
Recursively describe this stack and it’s subviews
func arrangedSubview(at index: Int) -> UIView?
Retrieve an arranged subview at the specified index
Name | Description |
index | the 0-based index of the arranged subview |
@discardableResult func forEach<T>(_ array: [T], style: DividerStyle = .innerOuter, convertToView: @escaping (T) -> UIView) -> Self
For each item in a given array, convert each element into a UIView
, then add arranged subview
Name | Description |
array | the data source |
convertToView | how to format each element in the data source to a UIView |
@discardableResult func forEach<T>(_ array: [T], style: DividerStyle = .innerOuter, completion: @escaping (Int, T) -> Void) -> Self
For each item in a given array, call a completion to handle each index & element
Name | Description |
array | the data source |
completion | index + element |
func removeAllArrangedSubviews()
Clear all arranged subviews from this stack